We have a storied past and are looking toward a bright future!
On the front lawn of First Presbyterian Church stands a historical marker commemorating its founding in 1816. Yes, we are that old! The current sanctuary was dedicated the Sunday after Christmas, 1879. Inside the plastered walls of this historic building, prayers have been offered, sermons have been preached, hymns have been sung, our children have been baptized, our young couples have been married, and we have commemorated our dead. Life, as it is, has been lived at First Presbyterian through these many years.
The church has been served my many faithful pastors—both men and women—during its long history. It has long committed itself to social causes that affect the citizens of this city. This commitment has been shown through the volunteerism of many of its members on local boards, organizations and ministries. The church has long committed a portion of its budget to help underwrite local ministries, social agencies and the arts. For many years, the church has helped local students by awarding scholarships annually.

One of the hallmarks of worship at First Presbyterian was a gift in the heart of the Great Depression. The final dollars needed were given by the late Mamie O. Stormes to purchase and install a majestic pipe organ. Though that organ was rebuilt in the early 1990’s, its sweeping tones continue to fill the sanctuary each Sunday.
Much has transpired throughout our history which has shaped and molded us into the church we are today. But the congregation prefers to look forward to its future rather than seeking to relive its past. We hope you will consider being a part of that future.